We have prepared turnover discounts for our loyal registered customers. The more you buy from us, the bigger discount you get from us. Your discount is calculated from your total payment on our e-shop for the past 365 days. If you have already purchased from us for, for example, €1,000, you are entitled to a 2% discount on every subsequent purchase.
I. Basic rules for the customer discount
Every registered customer is included in the loyalty program and already with the first completed and paid purchase, he is close to his discount. Always log in to your account first so that you have a clear overview of your orders. If you purchase goods worth more than €1000 in the last 12 months, we will automatically set a 2% discount for you. Shop with us regularly and we will automatically set a 3% discount for orders over €2,000 in the last 12 months, and a 5% discount for orders over €4,000 in the last 12 months. In the case of a purchase over €10,000, we will include you among our wholesale customers. In addition, after agreement, we can set up collection on an invoice with a 14-day maturity.
II. What does the customer discount apply to?
You can apply the customer discount to the complete range of bags.
III. What the customer discount does not apply to
The customer discount does not apply to welding machines and accessories for welding equipment, promotional and sale goods.
IV. Validity of the loyalty program
The loyalty program starts with the first completed and paid purchase. Due to the inclusion of only paid orders, it may take up to 10 days to set up a new customer discount from the last order registered under your account.
The customer discount will be canceled unless the customer has made a purchase worth at least €30 including VAT in the last 12 months.
Mibax Trade s.r.o. reserves the right to change the conditions for discounts or to terminate the validity of the discount program. In addition, it reserves the right not to grant a discount in special cases without giving a reason.
Discounts are granted only to registered customers and only those orders made under a registered account are counted. It is not possible to include in the loyalty program those orders that were made before account registration (unregistered customer). It is not possible to combine multiple customer accounts. Orders for which a special price was agreed upon or were made to order are not included in the loyalty program.
Orders placed via email are not included in the loyalty program. Only paid and accepted orders are included. In case of withdrawal from the purchase contract, a correction tax document will be issued for the returned goods, which will then be deducted in the fulfillment of the loyalty program.
If you want to know more information, do not hesitate to contact us on the customer line 421 911 442 668 or by e-mail at admin@papierove- bags. sk.